Monday, October 02, 2023

How transgenderism became the new Tide Pod challenge

How transgenderism became the new Tide Pod challenge - JAZZ SHAW
"This week, American Compass released a new survey that all of the GOP 2024 hopefuls should probably pay attention to...
  • There was a time when “the Tide Pod challenge” was alarming adults around the world. Children were filming themselves eating colorful packets of laundry detergent and posting their antics on social media. Some of them literally died.
We can view the spread of transgender mania in the same light. 
Gender confusion was long known to be an exceedingly rare mental disorder that primarily affected the young. 
  • But once it gained acceptance among adults, all children suddenly saw a tiny minority of their peers being heralded as “special” and deserving of additional rights and protections... 
And the medical industry saw the birth of a multibillion-dollar industry falling into their laps, so the choice was obvious...
  • This isn’t just a battle for the present. It’s a fight for the future. Tragically, it’s also a fight where conservatives are still facing an uphill battle. The Tide Pod Challenge of our time is not going well.

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