Friday, October 06, 2023

Hysterics torture fake-statistics to scare you into giving them more money!-----September sizzled to records and was so much warmer than average scientists call it 'mind-blowing' | AP News

September sizzled to records and was so much warmer than average scientists call it 'mind-blowing' AP News 
"After a summer of record-smashing heat, warming somehow got even worse in September as Earth set a new mark for how far above normal temperatures were, the European climate agency reported Thursday...
That’s the 
  • warmest margin above average for a month in 
  • 83 years of records kept 
  • by the European Space Agency’s Copernicus Climate Change Service.
  • “It’s just mind-blowing really,” said Copernicus Director Carlo Buontempo. “Never seen anything like that in any month in our records.”..
“This is not a fancy weather statistic,” Imperial College of London climate scientist Friederike Otto said in an email. 
“It’s a death sentence for people and ecosystems. It destroys assets, infrastructure, harvest.”...

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