Friday, October 13, 2023

Invasion of Sleeper Cells Across the Southern Border?

Invasion of Sleeper Cells Across the Southern Border? - ADM JIM
  • I don't know but here is some evidence for you to consider. Conspiracy theory?
" we all try to fathom some of the most unfathomable atrocities seen in our lifetime and I see news sites I consider reliable and trustworthy reporting on the potential impact this is going to have on many Americans, not just the ones who have been killed by Hamas and who may be killed in the future as hostages, such as this story of a camp of illegal aliens in Lukeville, Arizona.
Ben Bergquam - Real America’s Voice (RAV-TV) News @BenBergquam
This happened just minutes ago. More breaking footage from Lukeville, Arizona. With the attacks we just saw in Israel what I’m seeing on the border is even more concerning. Please share and help wake up America to this national security threat being brought in by Joe Biden and the Democrats!
That chilling account was recorded a few days ago; the following was recorded this morning...

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