Monday, October 09, 2023

It's Clarice, read it all!-----Hillary Drops the Veil on Her Party’s Totalitarianism - Clarice Feldman

Hillary Drops the Veil on Her Party’s Totalitarianism By Clarice Feldman
"The Democrats are making no effort to hide their totalitarian impulses. 
Certainly, Hillary Clinton isn’t. 
In an interview this week with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour. she suggested that Trump supporters were part of a cult and needed formal deprogramming.

"Whatever the reason, you know, make America great again was a bid for nostalgia to return to a place where people could be in charge of their lives, feel empowered, say what they want, insult whoever came in their way. And that was really attractive to a significant portion of the Republican base. So, it is like a cult.

And somebody has to break that momentum."

...But there’s nothing new and nothing funny about the totalitarian impulse on the Left. Last January a Rasmussen survey indicated that one-third of Democrats thought children should be removed from the homes of unvaccinated parents (despite the very low rate of COVID infections and mortality in children) and a whopping 50% of them wanted to imprison the unvaccinated...

Indeed, the same week Hillary advocated deprogramming, Newsweek ...reported that the FBI seeks to track and counter Trump supporters...

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