Wednesday, October 11, 2023

It's happening here too!-----Israel's intelligence failure is a warning for America's politicized agencies

Israel's intelligence failure is a warning for America's politicized agencies - Glenn H. Reynolds
"Some people are calling it “Israel’s 9/11.”...
But there’s one way in which it was identical, and that’s the “totally unexpected” part...
Both American and Israeli officials have said it was a complete surprise...
The United States and Israel both monitor communications there and saw no indication anything was being prepared...
We know what the Israeli intelligence agencies weren’t doing, which is getting warning of the attack. 
So what were they doing?
Well, one thing was organizing protests against Netanyahu, in opposition to his party’s platform of reform aimed at Israel’s Supreme Court.
As a Washington Post headline says, “Israeli spy chiefs led secret revolt against Netanyahu reforms.”..
  • So the Mossad, whose job is to protect Israel from external threats, was instead monkeying with domestic politics.
Meanwhile, Hamas planned mass slaughter, unmolested...

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