Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Jamaal Bowman and the Wisdom of Orwell | The Epoch Times

Jamaal Bowman and the Wisdom of Orwell | The Epoch Times
"What's the most famous line in George Orwell’s novel "Animal Farm"?
One good candidate comes when the animals wake up one day to discover that the uplifting, egalitarian motto that had been painted on the side of the barn for all to see—“All Animals Are Equal”—had acquired a codicil.
  • “All Animals are Equal,” it now read, “But Some Are More Equal Than Others.”
It’s a proclamation for our time.
Don't be surprised if Attorney General Merrick Garland decides to substitute it for the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) current motto “QUI PRO DOMINA JUSTITIA SEQUITUR”: “Who prosecutes for Lady Justice.”...

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