Saturday, October 21, 2023

Leadership matters-----RNC makes insane choice to host next presidential primary debate - American Thinker

RNC makes insane choice to host next presidential primary debate - American Thinker - By Eric Utter
"The ever feckless Republican National Committee (RNC) recently announced that it is going to have NBC News (MSNBC) host its next presidential primary debate. 
This seems an odd choice, if only because NBC News hates Republicans. 
...The Fox Business Channel’s Republican debate of September 27 was an embarrassing exercise in meaningless gotcha “journalism,” so what does the RINOC RNC think the MSNBC debate will be like?!
  • Couldn’t the RNC get Al Jazeera or the (North) Korean Central News Agency to host the debate? 
  •  Was China’s Xinhua News Agency unavailable?...

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