Monday, October 16, 2023

Lots here, read all!-----Era of ‘Unquestioned and Unchallenged’ Climate Change Claims Is Over

Era of ‘Unquestioned and Unchallenged’ Climate Change Claims Is Over
  • New studies undercut the ‘scientifically empty’ warming narrative, says astrophysicist and aerospace engineer. - By Alex Newman
"Leading voices in the climate community are in an uproar as their warming hypothesis comes under fresh assault by new scientific papers.
  • The authors of the papers are being attacked and say that “activist scientists” threatened by the new findings are “aggressively conducting an orchestrated disinformation campaign to discredit the papers and the scientific reputation of the authors.”
...The reason that climate activists are so upset is that the findings of the new papers—a trio of peer-reviewed studies by astrophysicist Willie Soon and dozens of other scientists from around the world—are casting further doubt on the narrative of man-made global warming...
Ms. Curry, author of "Climate Uncertainty and Risk," who has a post by the lead authors on her blog Climate Etc. to provide a forum for discussion, said the new paper raises “an important issue that is swept under the rug by the IPCC and many climate scientists.”
In particular, it has major implications for how 20th-century climate records are interpreted, she said...

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