Monday, October 02, 2023

Media cover-up in full force!-----Biden Selling out the U.S. - American Thinker

Biden Selling out the U.S. - American Thinker - By Clarice Feldman
  • The Biden impeachment investigation began this week. If your source of news is CNN,MSNBC, and the Big Four TV networks, you didn’t know about this, the fourth such inquiry in U.S. history, because they blacked it out...It apparently wasn’t very significant to the press. 
  • Not like the round-the-clock coverage of the lie that Trump was colluding with Russia, a lie generated by Hillary Clinton and megaphoned by them...
    Professor Jonathan Turley has set out ten reasons why the impeachment inquiry is justified and in this list, you can see the multiple ways President Biden sold out our interests to Ukrainians and Chinese.
  • Hunter Biden and his associates were running a classic influence peddling operation using Joe Biden as what Devon Archer called “the Brand.”…millions were generated for the Bidens from some of the most corrupt figures in the world.
  • Some of the Biden clients pushed for changes impacting United States foreign policy and relations, including help in dealing with Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin investigating corruption.
  • President Biden has made false claims about his knowledge of these dealings repeatedly in the past, including insisting that he had no knowledge of Hunter’s foreign dealings which Archer has declared “patently false…”
  • The President had been aware for years that Hunter Biden and his uncle James were accused of influence peddling…
  • President Biden was repeatedly called into meetings with these foreign clients and was put on speakerphone. He also met these clients and foreign figures at dinners and meetings.
  • Emails and other communications show Hunter repeatedly invoking his father to secure payments from foreign sources…
  • A trusted FBI source recounted a direct claim of a corrupt Ukrainian businessman that he paid a “bribe” to Joe Biden through intermediaries.
  • Hunter Biden reportedly claimed that he had to give half of his earnings to his father and other emails state that intermingled accounts were used to pay bills for both men…
  • At least two transfers of funds to Hunter Biden in 2019 from a Chinese source listed the President’s home in Delaware…
  • Some of the deals negotiated by Hunter involved potential benefits for his father, including office space in Washington. At least nine Biden family members reportedly received money from these foreign transfers…

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