Wednesday, October 11, 2023

New Study: CO2 Has "Considerably Lower" Atmospheric Warming Effect Than IPCC-Backed Models Suggest - Electroverse

New Study: CO2 Has "Considerably Lower" Atmospheric Warming Effect Than IPCC-Backed Models Suggest - Electroverse - CAP ALLON
  • A new study from The University of Alabama in Huntsville addresses the most crucial of all climate questions: How much warming can be expected from adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere?
...Spencer and Christy’s comprehensive climate model, which is based upon objective measured data, found that carbon dioxide does not have as big of an effect of warming of the atmosphere when compared with other IPCC-backed models...
Today’s climate models are not in agreement when it comes to the level of warming produced by a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide–what’s known as “effective climate sensitivity.” 
Despite mainstream proclamations of ‘settled science’, determining this crucial factor has remained elusive for decades...

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