Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Nobody - but nobody - wants mRNA jabs anymore - ALEX BERENSON

Nobody - but nobody - wants mRNA jabs anymore - ALEX BERENSON 
  • Even Travis Kelce's shuckin' and grinnin' for Pfizer can't save these shots. People know they don't stop infection, they know the side effects are often brutal, and they don't want them.
"RIP, mRNA...
Dr. Mandy Cohen, the director of the Centers for Disease Control, accidentally announced mRNA’s passing on Friday on X (aka Twitter). 
Wearing a blue dress and her trademark vapid smile, Dr. Cohen admitted barely 1 out of 50 Americans have received the new mRNA Omicron booster.
Hours later, Pfizer confirmed the death, saying it will write off nearly $1 billion in mRNA jab inventory because of weak demand...

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