Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Pro-Hamas protests show higher education has crossed the line

Pro-Hamas protests show higher education has crossed the line - By Glenn H. Reynolds
"Higher education may have finally crossed the line. 
With the horrific massacre, rapes and infant murders and kidnappings Hamas proudly perpetrated in Israel, much of the American academic community, especially at elite universities, sided with . . . Hamas.
It is not playing well.
Harvard has been the most talked-about example, because, well, it’s Harvard. 
  • Dozens of Harvard student groups released a remarkably callous statement saying Israel’s government is “entirely responsible” for Hamas’ violence. 
  • And Harvard’s President Claudine Gay released an initial statement so ham-handed that she spent the rest of the week trying to row it back....
  •  And at the University of Michigan, a business professor smirkingly posed for photos as he tore down posters with names and photos of people Hamas took hostage
  • while a Cornell diversity and inclusion officer came under fire for social-media posts celebrating the Hamas attack as “resistance.”...
Famed historian Victor Davis Hanson observed: “Americans knew higher education practiced racist admission policies. It has long promoted racially segregated dorms and graduations. And de facto it has destroyed the First Amendment. But the overt support for Hamas killers by the diversity, equity, and inclusion crowd on a lot of campuses exposes to Americans the real moral and intellectual rot in higher education.”...

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