Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Something smells here.-----Detroit Police on Samantha Woll Murder: 'Nothing To See Here, Folks. Move Along.

Detroit Police on Samantha Woll Murder: 'Nothing To See Here, Folks. Move Along. - Grateful Calvin
"Detroit synagogue president Samantha Woll was murdered in front of her home over the weekend. Woll was very active in social justice issues, but most specifically worked very hard on improving Jewish-Muslim relations. 
From the moment it became public, the media has been downplaying her murder, using phrases in their headlines like 'found dead,' as opposed to, say, 'stabbed to death.'
A suspect has not been arrested in the crime yet, but that didn't seem to stop the Detroit Police from reaching certain conclusions in their investigation.
Excuse us, but how do you make such a statement when you haven't even made an arrest?...

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