Friday, October 06, 2023

Sounds like the democrat party platform!-----Marxist Events Held ‘Coast to Coast’ Across United States

Marxist Events Held ‘Coast to Coast’ Across United States - Kurt Mahlburg
"Communism has killed over 100 million people and immiserated countless more. 
But that won’t stop a group called the International Marxist Tendency (IMT), which is running its 2023 Marxist School “from coast to coast” over the coming months...
IMT’s self-proclaimed goal is “the overthrow of capitalism and the establishment of a workers’ government in the United States and across the world, which will require the revolutionary transformation of society.”
The group calls for
  • A universal 20-hour work week
  • Minimum universal wages of $1,250 weekly
  • Universal health care
  • An end to all border security measures
  • Rent fixed at 10 percent of a person’s income
  • A moratorium on evictions and foreclosures
  • A “socialist planned economy” to help “combat the climate crisis”
  • Genuine reparations for centuries of slavery, colonialism, exploitation, and oppression can only be achieved by expropriating the capitalists and building socialism,” IMT also declares...

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