Saturday, October 07, 2023

The collapse is happening!-----LA law protects Airbnb guest living at Brentwood rental for 500 days without paying rent

LA law protects Airbnb guest living at Brentwood rental for 500 days without paying rent
"The tenant from hell."
That's what one Airbnb renter is now dubbed as she apparently refuses to leave the multi-million dollar rental in Los Angeles' Brentwood neighborhood - more than a year later - and won't pay up either.
...Dr. Jovanovic, who owns a dental surgery practice in Santa Monica, rented out his accessory dwelling unit via Airbnb to Hirschhorn, whose Airbnb stay ended in April last year, according to the Times. 
She hasn’t paid rent since.
...Hirschhorn’s attorney told the Times that "she was not required to pay rent because the city had never approved the unit for occupancy and that its shower was constructed without a permit."...

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