Sunday, October 15, 2023

The hate lives in their hearts, minds and is taught to their children-----Here's an updated yard sign for very caring virtue-signalers on the Left

Here's an updated yard sign for very caring virtue-signalers on the Left

From the NY Post:

...“Yesterday we sent out [messages] that we aren’t proud of,” BLM Chicago tweeted. “We stand with Palestine & the people who will do what they must to live free. Our hearts are with, the grieving mothers, those rescuing babies from rubble, who are in danger of being wiped out completely.”

The group, which has more than 60,000 followers, posted an image of a person paragliding with a Palestinian flag attached to its parachute and “I stand with Palestine” written beneath, leading to outrage.

Their original tweet was deleted but later on, the group put out a statement defending their stance. The follow-up didn't go over well either.Did it recently get awkward for some BLM supporters?...

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