Tuesday, October 10, 2023

The "intelligence isn't just artificial.-----The Jaded Warrior | Here's something fun.. | Facebook

The Jaded Warrior | Here's something fun.. | Facebook - Jonathan E Groves
"Here's something fun...
I was curious to test for leftist-progressive biases built into Bing Chat-GPT4.
I asked BingChat-GPT4 to adopt the style of Shakespeare and generate his take on Donald Trump and of Joe Biden.
Here is what Artificial Intelligence Chat GPT-4 came up with. Do you see any built-in prejudice?
  • First... Here's Bing Chat GPT-4... presenting DONALD TRUMP in the style of Shakespeare:
"What tongue can tell the madness of this man, Whose words are wind, whose deeds are full of woe? He raves and rants, he lies and cheats and scams, He sows discord where’er he deigns to go...
  • Next, here is Bing Chat GPT-4 presenting JOE BIDEN in the style of Shakespeare:
"This man of age and wisdom hath the grace To bear the burden of a troubled time. He speaks with calm and reason, not with haste, And seeks to heal the wounds that plague our clime.
He is no tyrant, but a gentle king, Who rules with love and mercy, not with fear. He has a noble heart, and honouring The common good, he lends a listening ear...

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