Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Victor Davis Hanson - Israel, Our White-House Absurdities, and the Left’s Empire of Lies

Victor Davis Hanson - Israel, Our White-House Absurdities, and the Left’s Empire of Lies
"The Biden administration is furiously trying to contextualize its past, unsupportable policies that have sown global chaos, especially in the Middle East. 
But the more it spins, the clearer its culpability.
Does it really believe that the long-agreed-upon U.S. green-lighting of $6 billion in sanctions relief to Iran has had no role in Iran’s terrorist support of Hamas, whether psychological or material or both? 
  • Do they think we are that stupid? 
Even a first-grader might surmise that if a terrorist state knows that an impending $6-billion bonanza will shortly arrive in its coffers, then it will more readily in the here and now send arms to Hamas—on the logical assumption that those costs soon will be more than covered...

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