Friday, October 20, 2023

Victor Davis Hanson - “It’s That Old Thing: Gotta Learn How to Shoot Straight.”

Victor Davis Hanson - “It’s That Old Thing: Gotta Learn How to Shoot Straight.”
“It’s That Old Thing: Gotta Learn How to Shoot Straight.” 
  • Here it is: we give billions of dollars to Jordan, Egypt, and the Palestinian Authority—presumably as “please be nice to us” protection insurance money. 
All three autocracies then run with the lie that a terrorist/jihadist (our media prefers “militant”) rocket, in flight on its way to kill Israeli civilians, which had fallen short at a Gazan hospital parking lot, was in fact an Israeli “war crime” of bombing a hospital building that wiped out “500 civilians.” 
That was not just a multifaceted lie, but a monstrous and demonstrable one. 
What followed was weary boilerplate...

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