Monday, October 02, 2023

Why Was a Violent, Gender-Confused Boy Allowed to Stay in Portland School After Beating up Girls? BY VICTORIA TAFT

Why Was a Violent, Gender-Confused Boy Allowed to Stay in Portland School After Beating up Girls? BY VICTORIA TAFT
"After a boy passing as a girl beat up another girl in the halls of a Portland, Ore., area middle school, a clearly frustrated superintendent delivered to the media what can best be described as a turd sandwich with a dash of gaslight sauce.
She wanted Portland to eat it...
It takes a special kind of gall to attempt to divert attention away from the real victim of hate here — the girl — to mollify the trans mafia, and this effort was beyond heinous considering what she was trying to paper over. Watch the video below, but caution: it is disturbing.

And here’s another angle...

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