Monday, October 09, 2023

Will history repeat?-----Germans against Hitler: The Witness of the White Rose by David Novak | Articles | First Things-1990

Germans against Hitler: The Witness of the White Rose by David Novak | Articles | First Things
"It is hard to imagine a Jew today who would come to Germany without a profound sense of uneasiness...
...The White Rose Group was a small coterie of students (led by the brother and sister Hans and Sophie Scholl) and one of their teachers at the University of Munich who, beginning in 1942, anonymously scattered leaflets in Munich and some other German cities calling for the overthrow of the Nazi regime. 
Needless to say, this was an act of enormous courage, and most members of the White Rose Group were eventually caught by the Gestapo and executed...
...People like those in the White Rose, on the other hand, did have an unequivocal moral choice. 
They exercised the moral agency that was theirs to choose good and resist evil...

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