Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Woke judges!-----Here's Where Hundreds of Suspected Violent Criminals Have Been Released Thanks to Woke Judges

Here's Where Hundreds of Suspected Violent Criminals Have Been Released Thanks to Woke Judges -Madeline Leesman
"Hundreds of people in Spokane County, Washington, who were accused of violent crimes have been released from jail without posting bail, a new report shows.
According to the The Spokesman-Review, records show that people accused of violent crimes, including rape, molesting children, making death threats, vehicular homicide and assaults were set free “on their promise to behave and show up to court when summoned.”
Reportedly, this has occurred 665 times in the county from Jan. 1, 2021, to Set. 30. 
Some of those released from jail allegedly committed violent crimes after (The Spokesman-Review):
  • Nathan Nash, the ex-Spokane police officer who raped two women after using his
    badge to gain their trust, spent years awaiting trial not from the confines of a jail cell, but in his own home. He did not have to post bail.
  • Jordan Knippling walked out of the Spokane County Jail without a judge setting bail after he was accused of punching a nurse at MultiCare Valley Hospital and throwing medical equipment. A year later, while out of jail on his own recognizance, prosecutors allege he killed a man at a homeless camp...

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