Monday, October 09, 2023

Worthy read!-----Cloward, Piven and the Fundamental Transformation of America | Fox News

Cloward, Piven and the Fundamental Transformation of America | Fox News - By Glenn Beck , Fox News
"I'm going to give you a hard concept to get your arms around: It's the concept that there are people in this country who want to intentionally collapse our economic system.
How could it be that any American would or would want to do such a thing? 
Well, those involved sleep just fine at night because they tell themselves that they're not collapsing, they're transforming — transforming — America into something better...
...So, let me introduce you to the people you would say are fundamentally responsible for the unsustainability and possible collapse of our economic system: Richard Cloward and Francis Fox Piven, authors of the Cloward-Piven strategy. 
Something else to remember is that this isn't some conspiracy theory that we're tossing out; they wrote about collapsing the economy and how they planned to do it in the article they co-authored in the '60s called, "Mobilizing the Poor: How it Could Be Done." 
Six months later, it was published in The Nation, under the title "The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty."
So, just what is Cloward-Piven?..

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