Saturday, October 14, 2023

Wow, eco-driven, Soviet-style "5-year plans" for the economy.-----One senator’s solution to Michigan’s job-killing energy transition: a new bureaucracy - By James David Dickson

One senator’s solution to Michigan’s job-killing energy transition: a new bureaucracy - By James David Dickson
  • A bill in Michigan’s state Senate would create a bureaucracy “to provide for the transition of transition-impacted industries into new industries.”
"...The bill singles out three industries as potential losers in the transition: energy, auto and construction.
...The Senate Labor Committee approved the bill last week, and it will head to the committee of the whole.
Read it for yourself: Senate Bill 519 of 2023
  • ...The Senate Fiscal Agency’s analysis portrays job losses from the energy transition as market-driven
  • But both Michigan’s energy transition and the changeover to electric vehicle manufacturing have been prodded by a mix of government regulation and incentives.
...Michigan will stop burning coal in 2032, up three years from the original end date of 2035.

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