Thursday, November 16, 2023

A lie from the begining!-----Study Finds Actual Cost of Driving an EV is Equivalent to Paying $17.33 a Gallon

Study Finds Actual Cost of Driving an EV is Equivalent to Paying $17.33 a Gallon - By Steve Straub
"...However, Bennett and Isaac raise an important question: have proponents truly accounted for the myriad of subsidies, regulatory credits, and infrastructure support that bolster the EV market?
  • Their research shows that, without the $22 billion in government incentives provided to EV manufacturers and consumers, the average 2021 EV would cost an owner an additional $48,698 over a decade.
  • Factoring in these subsidies, the cost of fueling an EV parallels a gasoline price of $17.33 per gallon.
  • This figure does not factor in the considerable subsidies included in the misnamed 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, specifically targeting the EV battery production sector...
  • Federal and state subsidies and regulatory credits effectively lowered the retail price of EVs by an average of nearly $50,000...

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