Tuesday, November 21, 2023

And who in our government approved the funding?------How many aid groups knew Hamas was hiding in a hospital and lied about it?

How many aid groups knew Hamas was hiding in a hospital and lied about it? 
"...Now comes an important question for Congress: Which US-funded international organizations knew the truth about Shifa and helped Hamas conceal its war crimes?
...What should be showstopping, however, is the possible complicity of prominent international organizations that receive hundreds of millions of dollars from the United States — groups that are supposed to uphold international law but appear to have enabled Hamas war crimes instead.
  • Within days of the Hamas massacre, Fabrizio Carboni, the Middle East regional director for the International Committee of the Red Cross, began spreading Hamas disinformation — telling international media that Gaza “hospitals risk turning into morgues.” When Carboni said this, he may have already known hospitals in Gaza were used as terror bases and hostages were being stashed under those hospitals. In its 2022 annual report, the ICRC says it received $689 million from the United States last year...
  • The World Health Organization, which received more than $100 million from Washington last year, joined the chorus of pressure on Israel to stay away from Shifa hospital — telling global media the hospital was no longer functioning and innocent patients were dying...

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