Wednesday, November 22, 2023

"Climate change" an excuse for predatory pricing!-----Homeowners face soaring insurance premiums due to ‘climate change’

Homeowners face soaring insurance premiums due to ‘climate change’ - Yudi Sherman
"Home insurance corporations are using “climate change” as a pretext to raise premiums by up to 300%, according to several reports...
Between May 2021 and May 2022, 90% of homeowners across the country saw their annual premiums increase, reported CNBC...
  • In Louisiana, Citizens Insurance Agency has increased home insurance premiums by 63% over the past year based on “growing windstorm risk.”...
  • "As we have more natural disasters and weather-related events, what we're seeing is insurance companies adding exclusions for particular things," Public Adjuster Vince Perri told CBS News. "If you suffer a wind event, your roof will only be covered under an actual cash value which means they're only going to cover the depreciated amount."..

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