Thursday, November 23, 2023

Collusion!-----‘Outrageous’: DTE, Consumers enjoy close relationship with state panel that regulates them

‘Outrageous’: DTE, Consumers enjoy close relationship with state panel that regulates them
Paul Egan, Detroit Free Press
"LANSING — When an association of energy suppliers sued the Michigan Public Service Commission over its implementation of state electricity law, it hired a former chair of the commission to take the case to court.
  • In defending the suit, the three members of the commission teamed up with one of the biggest companies they regulate, Consumers Energy. 
  • They filed a joint trial brief and even shared lawyers.
A Free Press investigation found the state commission charged with preventing that from happening lacks transparency in its decision-making and gets 80% of its funding from DTE Energy and Consumers — the two companies with a near monopoly on providing electricity to Michigan residents...

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