Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Foreigners funding the war on Americans!-----Abortion Activists Spent $67 Million Buying Ohio Vote, Had 3-1 Advantage on TV Ads -

Abortion Activists Spent $67 Million Buying Ohio Vote, Had 3-1 Advantage on TV Ads -
"...The incredible level of spending, with significant amounts of dark money coming into Ohio from out of state and out of the country, raises questions about whether the Issue 1 vote accurately depicts the will of Ohio voters or merely reflects an inordinate amount of leftist spending to buy votes...
AP indicated that “the largest donations” supporting the pro-abortion “yes” campaign came from outside of Ohio. 
  • This included “three gifts totaling $5.3 million from the progressive Sixteen Thirty Fund, based in Washington, D.C.” The Sixteen Thirty Fund is largely bankrolled by Hansjörg Wyss, a Swiss billionaire...

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