Friday, November 10, 2023

History for November 10

History for November 10 -
Oliver Goldsmith 1728 - Novelist, playwright, poet
  • 1775 - The U.S. Marines were organized under authority of the Continental Congress. The Marines went out of existence after the end of the Revolutionary War in April of 1783. The Marine Corps were formally re-established on July 11, 1798. This day is observed as the birth date of the United States Marine Corps.
  • 1871 - Henry M. Stanley, journalist and explorer, found David Livingstone. Livingstone was a missing Scottish missionary in central Africa. Stanley delivered his famous greeting: "Dr. Livingstone, I presume?"
  • 1951 - Direct-dial, coast-to-coast telephone service began when Mayor M. Leslie Denning of Englewood, NJ, called his counterpart in Alameda, CA.
  • 1954 - The Iwo Jima Memorial was dedicated in Arlington, VA.
  • 1975 - The Edmund Fitzgerald, an ore-hauling ship, and its crew of 29 vanished during a storm in Lake Superior.
  • 1980 - CBS News anchor Dan Rather claimed he had been kidnapped in a cab. It turned out that Rather had refused to pay the cab fare.
  • 1982 - In Washington, DC, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial was opened to visitors.
  • 2001 - The World Trade Organization approved China's membership.

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