Wednesday, November 08, 2023

I Told You So, Jerks - Kurt Schlichter

I Told You So, Jerks - Kurt Schlichter 
"Let me begin by saying to all you leftists that I told you so.
Lots of leftists are supporting raping, mass-murdering Seventh Century semi-humans, and they are mad that they are now being treated like people who support raping, mass-murdering Seventh Century semi-humans. 
Apparently, this is a terrible attack on free speech and McCarthyism and probably Islamophobic and transphobic and is the worst thing ever since the last thing that was the worst thing ever.
Well, I think it’s kind of funny.
They are mad and accuse us conservatives of now embracing cancel culture
  • ...I just want supporters of raping, mass-murdering Seventh Century semi-humans to be driven from civilized society for supporting raping, mass-murdering Seventh Century semi-humans...
Of course, one of the key circumstances is the existence of the New Rules...

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