Sunday, November 12, 2023

It's Clarice, read it!-----The West Gelds Itself - American Thinker - Clarice Feldman

The West Gelds Itself - American Thinker - Clarice Feldman  
"From the halls of Ivy to the Fourth Estate, once-respected institutions are revealing themselves to be at the forefront of efforts to upend the mores and conduct which make ours a civilized society worth defending against barbarism. 
I’ve already detailed some of the outrageous anti-Semitic, anti-American actions which so many colleges and universities have tolerated. (Canary Mission has done an outstanding job detailing what’s been going on in academia.)...
  • It’s been my sad experience that no one is easier to buy than an academic, so I’m not at all surprised to learn that Qatar, a major funder of intifadaists, is also a major funder of our top American universities.
  • Qatar, the current residence of Hamas’ former leader, has been the largest Arab donor to American universities for decades. Not only do six leading American universities have campuses in Qatar, but they also receive hundreds of millions from ruling elites.
  • At least six American universities have campuses in the country of Qatar -- which is currently home to former Hamas leader and recent global “Day of Jihad” progenitor Khaled Meshaal...

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