Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Law enforcers are quietly shifting the traditional concept of self defense in favor of the criminals: Here’s what you need to know

Law enforcers are quietly shifting the traditional concept of self defense in favor of the criminals: Here’s what you need to know - 
"Let’s break down a crime scene from last week in a major U.S. city that I believe will be very instructional for all of us.
It was a scene that could have taken place in any large city and probably does every day...
  • A 43-year-old male passenger on the subway witnessed the felony-in-progress of a woman being violently mugged by a homeless man. He pulled a pistol and fired two warning shots in the direction of the mugger. Both shots expended themselves harmlessly. No one was hurt.
  • The mugger immediately fled.
  • The shooter then calmly walked away but was arrested by NYPD officers a short time later.
  • The shooter has been charged criminally...

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