Monday, November 20, 2023

Liberals destroy everything they control. EVERYTHING!-----Employers are fed up with college 'waste,' opt for skilled blue-collar workers instead

Employers are fed up with college 'waste,' opt for skilled blue-collar workers instead
"Employers don't value college degrees as much as originally thought, recent survey data shows, and the disdain is behind a restored appreciation for blue-collar job-seekers that bring skill and experience over education...
  • When asked about the "return on investment" of higher education, a whopping 67% of participating employers responded "strongly no" when asked if they believed institutions of higher education were "graduating students with relevant skills that today's business community needs."
  • An additional 24.4% responded with "somewhat no" while the remaining 8.7% responded either "somewhat yes," "strongly yes," or "other."...

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