Monday, November 13, 2023

Media whitewash! Add the bribe (to their city cronies) and Whitmer's gov-goons steal more control from the people!-----Legislature OKs final bills giving state regulators authority over renewable energy permits

Legislature OKs final bills giving state regulators authority over renewable energy permits
"...The package would place permitting for large scale renewable energy projects — including solar energy developments with a capacity of 50 megawatts or more; wind facilities with 100 megawatts or more; and energy storage facilities with a capacity of 50 megawatts or more and a discharge capacity of 200 megawatts or greater —under the control of the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC), which regulates energy companies in the state...
  • Additionally, developers would have to pay communities $2,000 per megawatt of the project’s capacity to fund police, fire, public safety, other infrastructure or for other projects agreed to by the local unit and the developer...

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