Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Our universities are cesspools of ignorance, violence and fiscal scammery!-----USC professor banished from campus after anti-Hamas comments go viral | The College Fix

USC professor banished from campus after anti-Hamas comments go viral | The College Fix - PEYTON SOROSINSKI - CSU SACRAMENTO
"An economics professor from the University of Southern California is required to teach via zoom for the rest of the fall semester after a heated exchange with a group of pro-Palestinian demonstrators, prompting an academic freedom group to demand his full reinstatement...
In an original unedited video of the exchange, Strauss can be heard saying “people are ignorant” as he walked by, adding “Hamas are murderers. That’s all they are. Every one should be killed, and I hope they all are.”

  • Instagram accounts @uscgraduatesforpalestine and @uscscale posted a shorter edited video to their accounts on Nov. 9 with student faces blurred. In the video, Strauss’s comments about Hamas were edited out, leaving only his words, “every one should be killed, and I hope they all are.”..

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