Thursday, November 09, 2023

Political Doom Spiral: What if Both Biden and Trump Died Next Summer?

Political Doom Spiral: What if Both Biden and Trump Died Next Summer? - JAZZ SHAW 
"...It turns out that there are provisions in place to deal with such a turn of events, but it would be chaotic and most people likely wouldn’t be happy with the results...
On election day next year, Trump will be eight years older than the Donald Trump we watched run in 2016. 
So how would things play out in the event that both parties’ presidential nominees were suddenly, shall we say… “made unavailable” at a late date? 
As it turns out, both the RNC and the DNC have reserved significant power for themselves if such an event were to take place. 
  • Read Liz’s entire article for the details from the conference rules, but if the nominees were to suddenly be MIA, each conference could hold an emergency meeting and pick a replacement. 
That’s right… all of the primaries, the debates, and the speeches would mean nothing...

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