Sunday, November 19, 2023

Propagandizing our children!------One More Gone Woke: Girl Scouts Stick With BLM, Will Train to 'Decenter' Whiteness

One More Gone Woke: Girl Scouts Stick With BLM, Will Train to 'Decenter' Whiteness - By Alex Parker 
"...In case you're unfamiliar, "antiracism" isn't the mere absence of prejudice. 
  • Rather, it identifies people as oppressors or victims -- the former category being congenitally Caucasian. 
UCLA Law Professor Kimberlé Crenshaw puts it this way:

Antiracism is the active dismantling of systems, privileges, and everyday practices that reinforce and normalize the contemporary dimensions of white dominance. This, of course, also involves a critical understanding of the history of whiteness in America.

...its webpage on "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Racial Justice":

Our commitment to antiracism:

Girl Scouts of the USA is working to become an antiracist organization...

Said pledge includes the endorsement of an openly Marxist, anti-nuclear family federation:

[W]e know that Black Lives Matter. We commit to doing all we help create the change in our communities that is long overdue. claims "tolerance isn't working" -- it "simply isn't good enough." What is? The answer might be found in an upcoming series. 

The Daily Wire reports the Scouts are holding a four-part DEI Racial Equity seminar. Courtesy of woke workshop wonder The Equity Paradigm, session titles are as follows:

  • Foundations in Racial Equity (December)
  • Foundations in Internalized Racism (January)
  • Understanding and Decentering White Supremacy Culture (February)
  • Navigating Change, Power and Equitable Decision Making (March)

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