Saturday, November 18, 2023

Scientists Skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming | Blaming climate change for every tragic weather event is easy and convenient | Facebook

Scientists Skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming  - John
"Blaming climate change for every tragic weather event is easy and convenient. 
However, this can be a dangerous oversimplification that ignores the role of policy and infrastructure failures in exacerbating these disasters.
  • For instance, the devastating floods in Germany in 2021 were not caused by climate change, but by the failure of local and regional governments to adequately manage floodplains and build resilient infrastructure.
  • Similarly, the wildfires in Maui in 2023 were fueled by a combination of failed infrastructure and poor land management practices.
Climate Change Dispatch · Blaming climate change for every disaster hides the real reasons for these calamities: govt. negligence and green policies.

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