Thursday, November 23, 2023

The "sicence" is settled? Maybe not!-----'Historic Ruling': Obama-Appointed Judge Rules in Favor of Those Challenging Voting Machines

'Historic Ruling': Obama-Appointed Judge Rules in Favor of Those Challenging Voting Machines - C. Douglas Golden 
"Not only will a lawsuit against the state of Georgia regarding its election security measures go forward, but a judge said in her ruling that the “evidence does not suggest that the Plaintiffs are conspiracy theorists of any variety.”
The only way to make that any better would be if this judge were appointed by, say, former President Barack Obama
And lo and behold, she was!...
The civil case, which predates the 2020 presidential election, seeks to have Georgia go back to paper-and-pen ballots rather than using the touchscreen systems manufactured by Dominion Voting Systems...

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