Wednesday, November 22, 2023

What The Latest Attacks On Musk Are Really All About I & I Editorial Board November

What The Latest Attacks On Musk Are Really All About I & I Editorial Board
"Just as Democrats were trying to downplay the rampant antisemitism in their ranks, what happens? 
Elon Musk, who has lately become something of a darling on the right, suddenly becomes the poster boy for antisemitism. 
  • This is how the left works.
This latest twist started when Media Matters — the George Soros-backed media “watchdog” — released a report claiming that ads for major corporations were appearing next to antisemitic and white supremacist content.
This is a two-fer for the left. 
  • It both attacks Musk — whom the left now hates because he stopped Twitter’s side hustle as the federal government censor — 
  • and it takes the spotlight off the left’s virulent antisemitism on display after the Hamas attacks...

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