Friday, November 10, 2023

Why the Left Hates Israel and America

Why the Left Hates Israel and America - Star Parker
"...Regarding Tlaib, per Census Reporter, her district is 43% Black; the poverty rate is 21% (150% the national average); and 61% of adults are unmarried -- a rate 25% higher than the national average.
Tlaib's voting record is hardcore left. 
  • She gets a 100% rating from NARAL and Planned Parenthood, reflecting her support of abortion
  • She gets a 100% rating from teachers unions, reflecting support of failing government schools and opposition to parental choice in education. 
  • And she gets a 0% rating from organizations supporting lower taxes and spending, such as Americans for Prosperity, Campaign for Working Families, and National Federation of Independent Business.
  • Tlaib consistently supports, along with her colleagues of "the squad" -- Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts -- the left-wing agenda expanding the welfare state, 
  • tilting at climate change windmills and 
  • supporting values like abortion that contribute to the breakdown of the traditional family.
In other words, Tlaib aggressively supports the very policies that keep her district poor...

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