Tuesday, December 19, 2023

A State-by-State Look at Noncitizen Voting - American Thinker

A State-by-State Look at Noncitizen Voting - American Thinker By Joe Fried
"Very recently, the Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports released the shocking results of their survey of 1,085 national likely voters.
Of the ten questions asked, I think the most disturbing responses were related to these:
  • “During the 2020 election, did you cast a mail-in ballot in a state where you were no longer a permanent resident?” (17% said, “Yes.”).
  • “During the 2020 election, did a friend, family member, or organization, such as a political party, offer to pay or reward you for voting?” (8% said, “Yes.”).
  • “Do you know a friend, family member, co-worker, or other acquaintance who has admitted to you that he or she filled out a ballot on behalf of another person?” (11% said, “Yes.”).
Those results are bad enough, but I’d like to expand them to include two groups that probably did not respond to the survey: noncitizens and dead people...

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