Monday, December 25, 2023

AMERICA!-----Di Leo: Who Do We Need, at Christmastime? - Illinois Review

Di Leo: Who Do We Need, at Christmastime? - Illinois Review - By:John F. Di Leo 
"During the 2020 “pandemic,” America learned a new concept: “essential workers.”
Governments took it upon themselves to decide who was important, or at least, important enough to remain at work while other businesses were being unconstitutionally shuttered for days, for weeks, for months, and in far too many cases, forever.
What we soon learned – those for whom it wasn’t obvious from the start, that is – was that in fact, all jobs are essential....
At no time is this more clear than during the weeks of Christmas and New Year’s, commonly known as “the holiday season.”
...Drive through the neighborhood this week, and don’t just admire the Christmas tree lights this time; look at all the people working hard in the cold and rain and snow.
  • We see mailmen and parcel couriers beating the snowplows into our neighborhoods, making those deliveries.
  • We see police, firemen, state troopers and road crews hard at work despite the snow, the rain, and the cold, answering emergency calls and keeping our roads safe.
  • We see the linemen from the power company, high above us in cherry pickers, repairing power lines, and we see crews surrounded by caution tape, repairing the natural gas lines, the water mains, or the sewers.
  • Doctors and dentists, nurses and surgeons are still at their clinics and hospitals; health emergencies don’t wait until it’s convenient again.
  • To handle the travelers, there are 24 hour gas stations and train stations, airports and fast food places. The commuter trains and buses still run; the private vehicles still have to be refueled and serviced...
  • Despite the snow, despite the cold, cashiers are in the front of the store, as receiving clerks and stock boys work in the back...

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