Monday, December 11, 2023

And they own Chrysler!-----Fiat Sold Less Than One Car Per Dealership Last Quarter - The Autopian

Fiat Sold Less Than One Car Per Dealership Last Quarter
"...Specifically: there are more Fiat dealerships in the U.S. than the number of cars it sold last quarter.
Do the math, and you’ll realize that means a great proportion of Fiat dealerships actually failed to sell a single car in three whole months. 
The numbers are stark. There are 359 Fiat dealerships across the country, but the brand sold just 145 vehicles for the whole of Q3...
Let’s put that number into context. 
Fiat sold a full 50 cars in its best month this year. 
  • By contrast, Ford has sold an average of 78 F-Series trucks per hour in 2023. 
  • Chevrolet sold an average of 51 Silverados per hour, just topping Fiat’s best month. 
  • Even the Toyota RAV4 is selling around 1,000 examples a day, which is more than Fiat has sold all year...

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