Saturday, December 09, 2023

At the UN climate conference, NGO vanity rules the day | Blaze Media

At the UN climate conference, NGO vanity rules the day | Blaze Media

Apparently, these holier-than-thou climate warriors missed the memo about buying only three garments per year and flying in an airplane only once every three years. The U.N. has a program called the #ActNow fashion challenge. According to the program’s propaganda, the fashion industry is responsible for 8% to 10% of global carbon dioxide emissions. (If we were to add up the asserted emissions percentages of this sector and that, I am quite sure the number is well over 100%.)

How are people supposed to reduce fashion industry CO2 emissions? The U.N. has an answer for that, too. Rent clothes when you can, buy secondhand clothes when you must buy, and buy fewer clothes even if you are buying from Goodwill.

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