Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Biden threatens business owners who raise prices to keep afloat during inflation

Biden threatens business owners who raise prices to keep afloat during inflation

Those who don't learn from -- or are in any condition to remember -- history are apparently condemned to repeat it. All three presidents who held office during the 1970s -- Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter -- all faced issues with inflation. All tried price and/or wage controls to get it under control. All, rather predictably, failed. President Joe Biden either didn't learn anything from that malaise of a decade or has (rather plausibly) forgotten it. He's taking the same approach, albeit with a slightly different tack: Instead of implementing price controls directly, he's taking to the bully pulpit to tell those lying dog-faced pony soldier corporations not to mess with Corn Pop and start messing with prices or they'll have something to worry about, jack.

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