Thursday, December 07, 2023

Biden’s new rule against methane becomes ‘final’ By Jack Hellner

Biden’s new rule against methane becomes ‘final’ By Jack Hellner
  • It’s not really an exaggeration (if at all) to say that every single day we hear from Hillary Clinton, Liz Cheney, Joe Scarborough, the media, and others about how dangerous President Trump is—ad nauseam they declare how “like Hitler” he is.
"And, it seems every single day, Joe Biden issues some new executive order or regulation assaulting our freedoms and our prosperity...
Now, Joe Biden is dictatorially issuing another rule to handicap the coal, oil, and gas industries...
  • The green pushers claim that if we stop using oil, coal, and gas, the “expected” rise in temperature will not occur, and lives will be saved. 
  • What they won’t show you is a direct link between coal and oil use, and temperatures, because there is no scientific evidence to show that...

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