Sunday, December 24, 2023

Civilizational Jenga - by Glenn Harlan Reynolds

Civilizational Jenga - by Glenn Harlan Reynolds 
  • ...What makes me sad now is the ongoing game of Civilizational Jenga that our ruling class is playing. One by one, they’re withdrawing the supports of civil society, in a process that will inevitably lead to a collapse. They’re taking what was a very robust society, and consuming all the safety margins, bit by bit.
  • What really makes me sad is that while some of the people involved – let’s call them “the morons” for convenience’s sake – are doing this out of shortsightedness, cupidity, or sheer partisan bloodthirstiness, I’m increasingly convinced that there’s a contingent at the top that knows exactly what it’s doing, and is fine with it.
Roger Kimball gets at it in a recent piece:
“This is the same old trick,” Trump said when he got the news that the Colorado Supreme Court voted 4-3 to keep him off the primary ballot for the 2024 presidential election.
Oops. Sorry. I got my papers mixed up. That was actually Abraham Lincoln in 1860 when he got the news that some Southern states had voted to keep him off the ballot. Eventually 10 states did so.
So here we are again....

...The thing about Civil Wars is, they don’t come from the bottom up.
They come from the top.

  • And looking at who’s on top today, and what they seem to want, makes me sad.

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