Saturday, December 02, 2023

CNN: ‘It’s Time to Limit Travel’ for Climate Change

CNN: ‘It’s Time to Limit Travel’ for Climate Change - BEN BARTEE
"Futurist utopians once envisioned a destiny for humanity populated with flying cars, endless leisure time, and human fulfillment...
 “Progress” was sold as the great liberator of humanity.
  • That narrative has collapsed slowly over time, incrementally, replaced with “shut up, eat your bugs, and die in your coffin apartment, peasant.”...
Via CNN (emphasis added):

...The summer saw record-breaking heatwaves across many parts of the world...Experts attributed these extreme conditions to climate change.

Tourism is part of the problem...some are suggesting drastic changes to our travel habits are inevitable. In a report from 2023 that analyzed the future of sustainable travel, tour operator Intrepid Travel proposed that “carbon passports” will soon become a reality if the tourism industry hopes to survive.

  • ...This is critical to remember: the amount of social control they will exercise in the name of “climate change” or Public Health™ or whatever cause is directly tied to what they believe they can get away with. 
  • There is no ceiling to the totalitarian control they would like to exercise. The sky’s the limit. 
Popular blowback — the peasants armed with pitchforks — is literally the only check on their power.

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